Collision Repair Association
PO Box 201114
Auckland Airport
Auckland 2150
New Zealand
Phone: 07 847 0216
Stewart – General Manager
Stewart Gibb started with CRA in February 2023, with a background in management in Shell and latterly Z Energy. Stewart is looking forward to assisting the Association members to succeed and to continue to build a name and presence for the collision repair industry that recognises the value members contribute to the NZ economy.
Adrienne – Association Manager
Adrienne Joynt began her career with the Collision Repair Association in 2001. Since then, the industry has undergone many changes, keeping the job at CRA exciting and ever-changing, as every day presents new challenges and opportunities.
Besides being a huge motorsports fan who enjoys watching car and motorbike races and going to speedway events, Adrienne also has a Harley that she’s ridden across places like the USA, Canada, Alaska, Australia and New Zealand.
Adrienne is passionate about the collision repair industry and excited about what the future will bring.
Erin – Office Administrator
Erin McLean has been with the CRA since 2002 when she moved from Wellington to Ngaruawahia. For a number of years the role also included the I-CAR NZ administration work. She also works part-time in the hospitality industry for a catering and events company.
When time permits Erin enjoys being outdoors, the daily walking of her dog and a good book.
Melissa – Office Administrator
Melissa Els recently started with CRA and I-CAR NZ as the Office Administrator, the 22nd of July 2024 to be exact. I am a passionate and driven individual with years of administrative experience and a strong interest in the CRA, I-CAR Industry. I look forward to being part of the team and to assist and manage the variety of daily tasks.
When not at the office busy working, Melissa enjoys the outdoors, camping, fishing, going on walks and driving around, discovering new places and adventures.
When the weather doesn’t allow me to be outdoors, I enjoy reading a good book and love to spoil my family and friends with sweet treats.
I’m looking forward to kickstart my career in this Industry.
Alison – Office Administrator
Alison Henry started with the Collision Repair Association late 2016 in the I-CAR NZ course administrator position.
She enjoys assisting repairers in the collision repair industry to achieve their training goals and better themselves. It is rewarding seeing so many certificates leaving the office.
Outside of work, Alison spends a lot of time involved in roller derby, competing and training. After many years playing the violin is now finding her way around the Banjo. She loves mucking around in the garden with the dog or doing something crafty.