2012 - PALMERSTON NORTH (26-28 April 2012)
Palmerston North turned out to be a fantastic venue for our 99th annual conference. The mixture of speakers, a great venue and fantastic activities created yet another memorable conference. Many delegates commented on how friendly and inclusive the conference was.

2011 - MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA (11-14 May 2011)
Our annual conference this year combined with the Collision Repair Expo which was held at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre. With over 230 attending, this was a fantastic endorsement for an offshore event, with some delegates having to brave delayed flights and even lightening strikes. A full wrap up of this event is in the latest PanelTalk magazine.

2010 - CHRISTCHURCH (27-29 May 2010)
Despite cold and wet conditions for the garden city of Christchurch, a spectacular venue and really interesting speakers combined to make this a truly memorable event. We held some exciting breakout sessions which were well attended.

2009 - NAPIER (21-23 May 2009)
Well another conference has been completed, with excellent feedback received.
We hope you all gained some beneficial information and enjoyed socialising with fellow members.

2008 - TAUPO (15-17 May 2008)
During the TEAM Talks (Bar room chats) there were a number of topics discussed, please
click here to see an overview of these.